
Sales Training is a necessary investment

Devise Your Life for financial Freedom

  • By Suresh Mansharamani
  • In Blog
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When a seedling is humble enough to go under the soil, a tree is created. The tree produces numerous fruits, each of which contains multiple seeds. Every single seed in those fruits carries the hidden potential to become another tree, which, buried with suitable conditions, could lead to a forest! If we think of money with this frame of mind, developing financial autonomy will become a cinch task.

A vast majority of people want to proliferate wealth. The purpose could be to pay off debts, secure their future, build a dream house, expand in business, or live a desirable lifestyle.And yet, the truth is that only a handful of people achieve the freedom they are seeking. What is the reason for this? There might be ‘n’ factors involved but the primary ingredient in the recipe of economic success is the train of thought or the way we think about financial freedom. In other words, first, we need to develop the right mindset for the money to funnel into our lives. And then, with appropriate & timely actions, it would happen. A business coach can help you achieve this objective. So, let us get down to brass tacks which start with training our mind to the freedom we intend:

1. Develop a Bright-outlook: One of the main obstacles on the path of financial freedom is the emotional distance that we create with money when we cling to apprehensions like ‘It is not good to get attached to wealth’, ‘Money can’t buy us happiness’, or ‘More money will lead to evil tendencies’ etc. in incongruous ways. That is to say, we unwittingly give them an importance which creates an unconscious block. It will be insightful to know that those who achieve financial freedom use money as a necessity only. So, let us unclog this snag by thinking about the positive things that money can bring to our lives.

2. Set your goals: For whatever reason you are aiming to be financially free, setting a definite and realistic goal will give the direction to achieve it. E.g. you want a quiet and peaceful life after retirement. This vague idea can be converted into a goal like buying a bungalow in the countryside and saving funds for this purpose. A plan of action will ensue from it which will help hit the mark in time.

3. Invest time wisely: We all have 24 hours in a day and making the most valuable use of these hours is essential. Recognize those activities that take you towards the goal and spend time efficiently on them. Directly align every hour of the day with your objectives.

4. Empower yourself: According to Lao Tse, a Chinese scholar, ‘To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.’ Listen to the relevant pieces of advice on finance and keep adding to your knowledge stock day by day. Alongside, remove the prejudices, perceptions, and myths related to money. Consider lucrative investment opportunities, contemplate your savings, and put your talents in the right direction.

5. Give generously: The most generous people of this world are the happiest and richest. When you give what you can to others in charity or gifts in kindness, there is something intangible coming back. That is satisfaction, recognition, and acknowledgment. Money flows in with this prosperous attitude. So, do not falter while sharing your gifts with the world.

Start with these small steps. For detailed business coaching support on financial freedom, book an appointment with Suresh Mansharamani, India’s leading business coach.

