
Sales Training is a necessary investment

Effective Delegation Leads to Improved Productivity in Business

  • By Suresh Mansharamani
  • In Blog
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As a Business Coach, I understand the foundation of a strong business rests heavily on the quality of its communication, coordination, and credence. If these three Cs are effective within and without the organization, its personnel feel empowered, build up new skills, and eventually get ahead of the pack.

As soon as I take an assignment, my first task as One of The Business Coach in India to look into an adept workforce and harmony among units is certainly a safe bet for this to happen. But, this alone is not enough. The managers must also be cognizant of passing their auxiliary tasks to the right positions.They need to spend more time on those tasks today that will create better revenue tomorrow. And instead of viewing the time-productivity relationship linearly, learn to connect the dots with a compounded view of the long run.This is done by permitting oneself to be an imperfect and multiplying time in such a way that one can focus on his area of expertise while transferring the ancillary jobs to someone more responsible for it, whether it be a person or a machine.

My specialization to help business owners to achieve 3X Business and Profits Growth in 12 Months. Delegating tasks in an organization is the key to its Productivity, Business, and Profits Growth. The process reduces the workload on individuals, paves the way for their professional development, and helps in identifying the highest caliber. However, it depends on how effective the delegation is, in the hierarchy, to get the results. The skill of delegation must be developed until it gets embedded in regular practice.Climb up the ladder of productivity with these simple steps:

1. Enumerate: List all the tasks that need to get done to keep the flow of work at your position.

2. Segregate: Identify those tasks that can be done by others and do not require your expertise, like support services, sales clericals, and after-sales services.

3. Build a Phased Approach: For the task that you want to delegate, create clear stepwise instructions, and state the methods/techniques of doing it. Document it, present it, make a video, or adopt any other easy method of imparting information about this process.

4. Instruct and Train: Transfer the information most effectively and also collect feedback to make sure the person has understood all details. Also, deliver the deadlines and set clear expectations.

5. Touch Base: Examine the task completed, evaluate it productively, and guide them further. Place responsibility for accountability. Give them time to learn the ropes.

With these five steps of effective delegation, you can stay organized and generate a prolific output.

